Changes to our Hydropac area

Hydropac Selection screenshot

Following the changes weโ€™ve made recently to our Freshpac main selector page, we have now streamlined our Hydropac Ice Pack main page so it follows the same theme as the other core brands we offer.

You can now find the updated page over at – this allows our customers the flexibility of choosing whether they are buying ice packs for the food or pharma sectors, and then whether they require a temperature range of chilled or frozen systems. Finally, you can choose whether you want to use pure water or gel, and then the credentials for those ice packs (or indeed, if you have no preference whether they are compostable, reusable or recyclable).

Why Have We Done This?

We speak with our customers regularly and our sales team make it a priority to gather feedback when theyโ€™re with potential clients, so weโ€™re good at spotting areas of our website and offering that we feel could be improved or streamlined. That, in conjunction with our ever growing eco-friendly range of products, has led us to make these โ€œselectionโ€ changes across all core areas, with Hydropac being the culmination of this work. We believe this gives customers the option to make more informed decisions about the ice packs they are buying, as well as narrowing down the range to more exact requirements.

Please have a look around and let us know your feedback!

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