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FreshPac food packaging

Hydropac’s temperature-controlled packaging acts as a shield against food waste. Our solutions create an optimal environment that maintains the required temperature throughout the supply chain. From insulated boxes to ice packs, our innovations keep perishable goods at their prime, preventing spoilage and degradation.

FreshPac food packaging branch

Discover FreshPac food packaging

The Freshpac® range boasts validated products that instill confidence in the quality and efficiency of every component within our systems. When combined with our cutting-edge Hydropac ice/gel packs, you can trust your food goods will reach their destination in pristine condition.

Cooled packaging

Food waste is a pressing concern, Hydropac stands at the forefront of the battle, armed with innovative temperature-controlled solutions that preserve the freshness and extend the shelf life of perishable goods. Our mission goes beyond safeguarding products; it’s about reducing waste and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Custom Branding and Uncompromised Quality

Elevate your branding with Freshpac® products customized to your logo and specifications, all without incurring additional tooling costs. While custom orders entail slightly varying minimum quantities, our commitment to quality remains constant. At Hydropac, excellence is standard practice. Each Freshpac® product is meticulously designed and rigorously tested to meet stringent performance standards. Our dedication to quality extends to our ice packs – the strongest, safest, cleanest, and purest available in the market. Rigorous quality control includes sending samples of every production run to an independent laboratory for microbiological testing.

Innovative Sustainability

Our drive for environmental responsibility fuels innovation within Freshpac®. We offer diverse packaging solutions to cater to your eco-credentials and ensure eco-friendly disposal options for end-users. As we continue to expand our range, keep an eye out for new products that align with sustainability goals.

Breakthrough Technologies

Experience groundbreaking technology woven into every Freshpac® product, such as the unique ‘mitred-seal’ corner system that delivers exceptional strength and cushioning protective qualities. EnviroCool® panels act as unventilated air gaps, offering unparalleled insulative properties. Our ‘Double Bubble’ protective system adds double cushioning, 100% recyclability, and superior insulation to products like Recycle-Air®.

Explore Freshpac® Samples

Curious to try before committing? Our Freshpac® Sample Store lets you explore up to 3 different systems for free, with only shipping costs involved. Consider testing eco-friendly alternatives like EnviroCool, offering the same benefits as other systems while prioritizing the environment. Please note, this service is available once per customer.

Global Coverage

Freshpac® ensures an unbroken thermal packaging supply chain for clients worldwide. Regardless of the destination, our systems provide secure thermal protection. We welcome collaborative distribution partnerships globally. Reach out to us for further discussions on the Freshpac® range.

From issue to a customised cooling solution

In this way we help you to guarantee the quality and safety of food products under all circumstances.

Hydropac's Latest news

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