Prepare now for the increased demand on packaging

We know itโ€™s Summer and weโ€™re all about the flip flops, picnics and sunshine, but Autumn and Winter will be here before we know it, and itโ€™s important we plan ahead for what the colder months bring. One of those things is a seasonal increased demand for packaging, a longstanding trend that looks set to continue into 2022 and beyond.

With increased demand for anything, whether that be packaging, food, consumables, there will always be a risk of shortages. This can be down to many factors, but unfortunately these do happen, and as such itโ€™s very important that anyone who needs items critical to business operation plans for shortages accordingly.

Order early

The best way to prevent against being impacted by any shortages is to order in your packaging early, especially if you want customised packaging. This can take longer to create and arrive, and if there are any problems with it, you need time to get this resolved before you need to ship out to customers.

Create storage space

With increased packaging on the way, youโ€™ll need to make sure you have storage space. Itโ€™s not always tenable to buy or rent extra space so first see if you can create more storage space in your existing offices, lock ups etc. You donโ€™t want extra packaging and materials to arrive only to have nowhere to put them, and risk them being left somewhere where they may be damaged or stolen.

Protect and preserve

Donโ€™t forget about protecting your goods! Packaging also needs tape, filling, labelsโ€ฆso make sure you factor these in when making your order for packaging goods. You donโ€™t want your goods arriving with the end customer broken or damaged. As above, make sure you have space to store all of these extra goods.

Send early

If you can, send your goods out early, or in very good time to reach your customer before things get really busy in the run up to Christmas. Obviously if youโ€™re shipping fresh produce this isnโ€™t always viable but packaged goods, cupboard staples and other non-perishables are all fine to go as soon as you can. Doing this also helps to improve your brand reputation, never a bad thing!

Environmental concerns

Think about the eco impact of your packaging; does it negatively impact the environment? If it does, can you consider a more eco friendly option that may also be easier to get hold of than traditional options like Styrofoam or plastic.

If you are considering whether to switch up to a more eco friendly option, or indeed even more of a cost effective temperature controlled packaging solution, then why not give us a call โ€“ we offer pricing packages for bulk orders and can customise to your needs.

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